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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Rocks Are Formed

How Rocks Are Formed is a very useful site that will show, and tell you how the three types of rocks are formed, and then at the bottom examples of each type of rock. Explore it all. There are several activities on this site. I do not expect you to do them all. This is for your benefit, to help you understand.
This one is the rock cycle game. See if you can fill it in.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Revolutionary War Heroes

Revolutionary War Heroes Project

Please read the information from the introduction on this site, then click on task to find out what you need to do. After you read the task read the process. The process is the most important part. Your grade will reflect if you followed the directions from the process page. You will need to go back to the process page many time to make sure you are doing the right thing. The last day you will have to work on this project is Tuesday during your computer time. I want you to be ready to present on Tuesday afternoon.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veteran's Day Activities

I just wanted to place something on here to remind you that November 11 is not just a day we get out of school. Today is a day to appreciate the sacrifice so many men and women have made to protect our country.

Monday, November 8, 2010



This site goes along with what was in our play. I thought you might enjoy playing a game that helps you learn the constellations. Click on the site below, and follow the directions.

Want to see more? Check out these amazing pictures from Nasa. All you have to do is click on one of the names to see the pictures. It is amazing!! All of the pictures from this site are not constellations, however they do have to do with space.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Book Reports

This site will take you to a huge selection of non-traditional book reports. I want you to make sure whatever you choose gives either the main themes of the book, or helps you re-tell the story in your own way. Have fun with this report.